Baja California

Our affiliate

Baja California has emerged as a key tourist destination in Mexico thanks to its thriving wine industry and medical tourism. These activities have played a significant role in the state’s economic and tourism development.

The Guadalupe Valley has witnessed remarkable growth in its wine industry in recent decades. Wine tourism has acquired great relevance, attracting national and international visitors interested in exploring vineyards, tasting local wines and enjoying the regional gastronomy.

On the other hand, the city of Tijuana has become an important destination for medical tourism. With high quality medical facilities and more affordable costs compared to other countries, the city has consolidated its position as a crucial center for health tourism, further boosted by its proximity to the U.S. border and the availability of specialized medical services.

The AFEET Baja California affiliate, founded in 2023, has associates who hold management roles or own various tourism companies in the region. These include wholesale operators, travel agencies, hotels, transportation companies, consultants, restaurants, catering services, among others.

Board of Directors 2024

Dora Luz Villarino


Gloria Medina Mendoza

1a. Vice President

Patricia San Román Flores


Belbeth Navarrete Canizales


Karla Sing Placencia


Guadalupe Cordero Ramos


Martha Paredes Romero

Honor and Justice Committee

Edith Tornero Medina

Honor and Justice Committee

Araceli Ramírez Bravo

Finance Committee

Verónica Ochoa Abundis

Associate Commission

Maribel Moreno García

Public Relations Commission

Guadalupe Cordero Ramos

Training Commission

Irma Enriquez Olachea

Commission of Coexistence and Binational Culture

Ivette Casillas Rivera

Commission of Coexistence and Binational Culture

Atzimba Villegas Pérez

Health and Wellness Commission

Zaida López Sánchez

Gastronomy Commission

Karla Márquez

Statutes Commission

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