Women inspiring tourism

About Us

We are a group of women leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals committed to growth and excellence in the tourism sector.

Our association was born from the conviction that united, we can achieve significant changes in the labor and social spheres, promoting gender equity in every corner of the tourism sector.

Our Commitment

Promote equal opportunities: We work to ensure that women have equal access to management positions and opportunities for professional growth in the tourism sector.

We fight against any form of discrimination and seek to create an inclusive and diverse environment.

Promote training and professional development: We organize workshops, conferences and courses that improve the knowledge and skills of our associates, providing them with the tools to reach their maximum potential in their careers.

Promote networking and collaboration: We believe in the strength of collaboration among women in the tourism industry. We facilitate meeting spaces where our associates can establish contacts, exchange ideas and generate strategic alliances.

Our History

The Asociación Femenil de Ejecutivas de Empresas Turísticas de la República Mexicana, A.C. (AFEET), was founded in 1970 by five determined, enterprising and enthusiastic women in Mexico City. At a time when the tourism industry was mostly led by men, these visionary women came together to create an exclusive association that would provide mutual support and leave a significant mark on the sector.


From their first meeting at the Maria Isabel Hotel, led by Cecilia Martin, Tere Landaluce, Emma Echeverria, Irma Bravo and Concheta Chiquini, the idea of coming together to support each other resonated with other women in the industry. The second meeting, at the Bamer Hotel, was attended by about 16 women from various areas of tourism, all with the vision of forming a larger and stronger alliance.


AFEET started with 30 associates and quickly grew to over 100 in a few years. With associates in Mexico City and other parts of the Mexican Republic, branches were established in different cities throughout the country. Today, AFEET Nacional has more than 360 associates and eleven affiliates in Guerrero, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Campeche, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Baja California and Baja California Sur.


For over five decades, AFEET has stood out for its hard work and significant achievements, transcending borders and promoting the development of the tourism industry both inside and outside Mexico. With the objective of bringing together women leaders, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts in the sector, the association continues to grow, fostering unity, cooperation, friendship and networking among its members to promote tourism in the country.

Our Emblem Identity

The founders of the Asociación Femenil de Ejecutivas de Empresas Turísticas, A.C. (AFEET) researched the history of our ancestors in search of inspiration to create a logo that would capture the values and attributes of the women who make up the Association.

They found clay smiling figurines (Glifo), which were very popular in the Late Classic period of pre-Hispanic times (600-900 A.D.) and extended from Nayarit to the western limit of the Maya area, including Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche.

Although their exact purpose is unknown, it is believed that they were used in religious ceremonies, as they were found in temples in large quantities. The figurines share characteristics such as a seated female figure, semi-nude, with ornaments and jewelry, with arms raised and palms forward, among other details. A stylized representation of these figurines is found in the Chapultepec forest in Mexico City, which led AFEET to adopt this glyph as its logo. They identified with these figures because they reflect attributes they consider characteristic of women: smiling, well-groomed, willing to take on new challenges, united in a team, ready for action, mysterious and empowered.


Firma del Código Ético Global de Conducta para Turismo desde 2017

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