"An Important Step Towards Sustainability: New International Standard for Measuring Sustainable Tourism"

Sustainability in tourism is a crucial issue today, and the adoption of a new international standard by the United Nations represents an important milestone on the road to more responsible and sustainable tourism worldwide.

Details of the Standard:
The new standard, known as ISO 21903, establishes a framework for measuring sustainability in tourism, addressing aspects such as environmental management, protection of cultural heritage and local community involvement in tourism development. This standard provides tourism destinations with clear guidance on how to assess and improve their sustainability performance.

Importance of Sustainability Measurement:
Measuring sustainability in tourism is critical to identify areas for improvement, set realistic targets, and evaluate the impact of implemented policies and practices. In addition, measuring sustainability helps to raise awareness among tourists about the importance of traveling responsibly and contributing to the well-being of local communities and care for the environment.

Benefits of the Standard:
– Promotion of Sustainable Practices: The standard encourages the adoption of sustainable practices in all aspects of tourism.
– Transparency and Confidence: It provides tourists with clear and verifiable information on the sustainability of destinations.
– Competitiveness: Destinations that comply with the standard can stand out as more attractive options for tourists concerned about sustainability.
– Sustainable Development: Contributes to the sustainable development of local communities by promoting responsible and respectful tourism.

The adoption of ISO 21903 is a significant step towards more sustainable tourism globally. By working together, governments, businesses and tourists can contribute to protecting the environment, preserving culture and improving the quality of life of local communities, creating a more sustainable future for all.

Article summary from: UN TOURISM
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