Nuevo León

Our affiliate

AFEET Nuevo León, founded more than 30 years ago by leading companies in the tourism industry, represents the first women’s association in northern Mexico that has set standards in professional ethics, professionalism and entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized companies, as well as in continuous training.

The association has 45 members, businesswomen, directors, managers and high-level executives, who stand out in various sectors such as retail and wholesale travel agencies, insurance companies, academia, event organization, DMCs, hotel representatives, airlines and destination marketing consultants, among others.

Currently, AFEET Nuevo León actively participates in the boards of various institutions, including the Tourism Board of the Government of Monterrey, the Police Academy of the Municipality of Monterrey (where it provides ongoing training to the Tourist Police), the Ministry of Economy in the Women Entrepreneurs guild and the State Advisory Council for the FIFA 2026 event in Monterrey.

Board of Directors 2024

Maricela Ivonne Gómez Seeman


Liliana García Cover


Edith Borrayo Inda

1a. Vice president

Mónica Isabel Villanueva Mejía

2a. Vice president

Wendy Vanessa Frigolet García


María de los Angeles Wong Ramírez


María Beatriz Pérez Meza

Honor and Justice Committee

Ana Sofía López Sotomayor

Honor and Justice Committee

Blanca Irasema Salinas González

Finance Committee

Mónica Cristina Alemán Hernández

Associate Commission

Norma Aída Osuna Salinas

AFEET Daily Commission

Rosalva Herrera Medina

Events Protocol Commission

Cecilia Ramírez Serrato

Training and Social Responsibility Commission

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